“The sign language is for those who are in pain silently and need other ways to ask for help.”

— Sinclair Korte

Lansing ArtPath 2021. Site#9

ArtPath Artist Talks presents an opportunity for the community and Gallery members to gather safely at various sites along the trail and engage with the art and artists.

Visit the Lansing Art Gallery’s site HERE!

Proposal Excerpt

“Along with all the complications of losing a parent at young age, I found that mental health is something that needs to be worked at, and it is a hard job sometimes. My proposal for Art Path is to create a mural or large wood panel paintings of the of hands spelling the word “HELP” with sign language. This painting is a message to all those working on their own mental health that there are other ways of asking for help besides speaking it. The sign language is for those who are in pain silently and need other ways to ask for help. I would like to accompany the mural/paintings with information containing suicide prevention and counseling. My hope is that the art will draw people’s eyes, and the message will be clear for those that find it intriguing enough to get close and understand.”


Substance Package Art